Tuesday, March 29, 2011

April Fool's Day: All About How the Laughter Started

How It Started
     Up until the mid-1500s, all of Europe used the same calendar.  In that calendar, April 1st was the first day of the year.  On the that day, people exchanged gifts and visited each other.  In the year 1564, Charles IX created a new calendar which uses the date January 1st as the new start of the new year.  Some didn't like the thought of the change of date for the new year and refused to accept the new traditions.  Those who continued to celebrate the start of a New Year on April 1st became the ridicule of their friends and neighbors.  These friends and neighbors played tricks on them because the 'April Fools' continued to hold onto their false April New Year's Day. 
How We Celebrate It Today
     Today we celebrate this holiday by playing tricks on friends and family regardless of which New Year's Day they observe. 
     If you have any questions or further information, please leave a comment.  To find out April Fools' tricks please view this site: http://aprilfoolzone.com/

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Moody to Moody

     Bipolar disorder, or manic-depressive illness, is a disorder that causes strange shifts in a person's mood, energy, and ability to function.  With bipolar disorder, the ups and down of a normal life are much more severe.  This can disorder can damage relationships, cause poor performance in school or at work, or worse.  However, there is a cure. 
     1% of people 18 and over in America have bipolar disorder.  Most develop it in late adolescence or early adulthood although, some can develop this disorder in early childhood or later in life. 
     Bipolar disorder affects or destroys many things.  Some of those things are moods, thoughts, behavior, rational thought, and, far too often, the desire to live. 
     To find out more about this potentially life-threatening disorder, click on the following link:http://www.medic8.com/mental-health/bipolar/index.htm

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Drift Off to a Daydream

     Daydreams are an often ignored part of dream study usually thought of as wandering thoughts.  However, daydreams are still dreams. Therefore, they can still be used to help understand your true feelings and problems in life. 
What Are Daydreams?
      Daydreams happen when you are partially awake.  They are random imaginations of many picture or experiences in the past or future. 
What Side of the Brain Do You Use When You Daydream?
      When you daydream, you use the right-side of your brain.  This is the more feminine side of your brain, which is why when you dream the images are more 'from the heart'.
Is Worrying  a Type of Daydream?
     Daydreams are often thought of as wishful thinking and silly fantasies.  But, worrying can even be a classification of a daydream.  When you worry, you visualize a negative outcome to a situation.  Repeating these images makes them more likely to happen. 
Can Repeating Daydreams Be Helpful?
      By repeating your daydreams, you can use them to your advantage and make positive events happen.  Many athletes, musician, business leaders,etc. use this technique to envision success. 
     If you have any other questions or extra information to add about daydreams, please leave comments.