Thursday, March 24, 2011

Moody to Moody

     Bipolar disorder, or manic-depressive illness, is a disorder that causes strange shifts in a person's mood, energy, and ability to function.  With bipolar disorder, the ups and down of a normal life are much more severe.  This can disorder can damage relationships, cause poor performance in school or at work, or worse.  However, there is a cure. 
     1% of people 18 and over in America have bipolar disorder.  Most develop it in late adolescence or early adulthood although, some can develop this disorder in early childhood or later in life. 
     Bipolar disorder affects or destroys many things.  Some of those things are moods, thoughts, behavior, rational thought, and, far too often, the desire to live. 
     To find out more about this potentially life-threatening disorder, click on the following link:

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