Monday, November 22, 2010

What Venus is Really About

     Venus was named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty is and Earth's sister planet.  Venus is also known as the Morning and Evening Star.  This planet is the second planet from the Sun with an average temperature of 867* F.  
     The planet's shape is similar to Earth's.  It's diameter is 95% of Earth's and its mass is 81.55% of our planet's.  The range of the planets suface areas is 10%. 
     Although the planet's shape are incredibly similar, they also have some important differences.  Venus rotates much slower than Earth and does not have a satellite.  These are just some of the points that make Earth and Venus different. 
     Venus is made metal, and liquid & solid rock.  Its atmosphere is dense and cloud-covered.  The clouds are made of sulfuric acid droplets and sulfur dioxide(instead of water). 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My Declassified School Survival Guide

School Girl Colo     The best and most important thing that I've learned in school is how to survive.  When I entered middle school I was panicking thinking how will I survive.   Well, I've been in school for 1 quarter and survived with an "A" average.  It was pretty tricky, but I did it with a few simple tips. 
  2. Keep your locker clean (it will be easier to check if anything falls out of your folder or book bag)
  3. Take papers that you don't need out of your folder every week(it won't overflow with papers)
  4. Make sure to write your homework in your planner (you can check off the homework that you did)
  6. Study for quizzes and tests(even if they are super easy)
      So by following these steps you should be find going into your new middle school enviroment.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

At the Last Second

     Monday started my fall break.  During my fall break, I was required to make a Power Point Presentation for Social Studies and present it the day we got back.  For the first 1 and 1/2 days I typed up some of the information.  I also played my Wii and caught up on my reading.  Then, my grandmother called I haven't seen her in a while, so I decided to go see her(not the best choice). 
     I spent the rest of Tuesday, Wednesday, and half of Thursday over at her house.  I spent about 3 and 1/2 hours on my project, but that was enough to get a majority of my work done. In addition to making this bad decision I had to suffer through my grandmother's nail appointment.  I'm not the type of person that would even look at a nail salon, let alone be in one. 
     Late Thursday, my father had called me asking two things: "do you want to go to soccer practice" and "do you want to go to sleep over with your friends".  Of course, I chose sleepover.  It wasn't the best decision because it wasn't half as good as I thought it would be.  Everyone but me was asleep at 12:30A.M. I, on the other hand, was left awake until 4:30A.M.  I had trouble sleeping with my feet frozen from the cold because I had forgotten my sleeping bag.  Plus, we were sleeping by the back door with an open window.  Friday morning I was relieved when my dad had come to get me.  
     Now I only had about 3 days to do my project, and if my week wasn't going bad enough already the rest of Friday I didn't get home until way past 10 o'clock that night.  Now I was in the panic zone. 2 days to finish my project, I thought I would never finish. HOORAY! I did it and I think it's well done considering the time I put into it. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Awesome Tool That Is Blogger

     In school, I have been learning about different tools on the Internet that can be used to enhance our learning in English.  My favorite tool that we learned about is Blogger is a website that enables you to set up your own blog, express your opinions, and answer comments about your posts. You can customize your blog by making a one-of-a-kind name for your blog and adding lots of gadgets.  You can also read other people's blog and comment on those.  So don't just sit there, start blogging! Comment about your favorite tech tools and give a brief description about them or questions you might have about

Monday, November 8, 2010

Out Late on Halloween Night

     2010 Halloween was a blast for me.  I love going door-to-door collecting free candy.  It's a great way to spend time with your friends and get candy. 
     The first Halloween was celebrated by the ancient Celts who lived as long ago as 800 B.C.  It was meant to celebrate the end of harvesting season and the beginning of winter when the Celts believed the spirits of the dead returned to earth.  Now we celebrate this holiday by dressing up and eating candy. Isn't it weird how customs change?
     My Halloween involved a lot of different events.  I was dressed as the Mad Hatter for Halloween.  Two other people in my group were also dressed as the Mad Hatter. We all had different versions of the costume. 
     The cop that lived next door to my friend house, the trick-or-treat host home had on a scary mask and some kind of "weaponry" was in hands. He walked in his driveway and in front of his house slashing his "weaponry" together. SHING!SHING!
     The Celts lived in what is now the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Northern France.  In ancient times sacrifices were made the day before Halloween and people would dress up in animal skins and pelts.  The real Halloween is said to have started in England during the eve of All Saints' Day when beggar children went door-to-door asking for "soul cakes" in exchange for their prayers for the dead.  Please tell me some facts you know about Halloween and leave a comment.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Great Gilly Hopkins

     One of my favorite books is The Great Gilly Hopkins.  I read this book over the summer of 2010 for a reading assignment.  Galadriel(Gilly) is a foster child going to her third home in less than 3 years.  When she finds out that she's expected to stay with a very religious woman, a young boy that can barely defend himself, and an old man, she tries to tell her birth mother how miserable she is.  But, the longer she spends with the woman, the young boy, and old man the more she likes them.  Will she end up with her loving mother or stay with her foster family? Please leave a comment telling me your prediction.  If you already read the book I would like to know if you thought the book would end the way it did or thought something completely different would happen.