Thursday, November 11, 2010

At the Last Second

     Monday started my fall break.  During my fall break, I was required to make a Power Point Presentation for Social Studies and present it the day we got back.  For the first 1 and 1/2 days I typed up some of the information.  I also played my Wii and caught up on my reading.  Then, my grandmother called I haven't seen her in a while, so I decided to go see her(not the best choice). 
     I spent the rest of Tuesday, Wednesday, and half of Thursday over at her house.  I spent about 3 and 1/2 hours on my project, but that was enough to get a majority of my work done. In addition to making this bad decision I had to suffer through my grandmother's nail appointment.  I'm not the type of person that would even look at a nail salon, let alone be in one. 
     Late Thursday, my father had called me asking two things: "do you want to go to soccer practice" and "do you want to go to sleep over with your friends".  Of course, I chose sleepover.  It wasn't the best decision because it wasn't half as good as I thought it would be.  Everyone but me was asleep at 12:30A.M. I, on the other hand, was left awake until 4:30A.M.  I had trouble sleeping with my feet frozen from the cold because I had forgotten my sleeping bag.  Plus, we were sleeping by the back door with an open window.  Friday morning I was relieved when my dad had come to get me.  
     Now I only had about 3 days to do my project, and if my week wasn't going bad enough already the rest of Friday I didn't get home until way past 10 o'clock that night.  Now I was in the panic zone. 2 days to finish my project, I thought I would never finish. HOORAY! I did it and I think it's well done considering the time I put into it. 

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